20 Park Lane, Bahrs Scrub, Qld 4207
Confidential Client Information Sheet
Your Session today may include face, head, chest, stomach, back, buttocks, arms, legs and feet depending on the area of the problem. Please circle any of the above areas you do not wish to have treated today.
I declare that I am here of my own will. The information that I have provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and I have not intentionally withheld any information relevant to the treatment recommended/requested. I understand that any therapy provided to me by my practitioner does not constitute medical treatment. I agree to waive all liabilities towards my therapist/Employer for any injury or damages incurred due to any misrepresentation of my health history.
Thank you for your time.
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Mandatory fields cannot be left blank. Kindly fill them in.
Please call or message us at 0451084481 for bookings.